USA Foundation Milestones
- Total contributions to the University through February 28, 2025, are more than $278 Million. One-half of the total contribution has been made since 2013.
- USA Foundation annually provides funds for more than 120 scholarships and has provided a total of more than $29.2 Million to support scholarships for students at South.
- USA Foundation annually provides funds to support 38 professorships and has provided a total of more than $89.9 Million for faculty positions.
- USA Foundation has provided more than $159.3 Million in support of academic programs at South.
- In January 2025, the Foundation contributed an additional $1,261,000, for a revolutionary non-invasive technology to target tumors, the HistoSonics Edison Histotripsy System.
- In December 2024, the Dr. John Mayer Wilson Surgery Resident Award Fund was established through a gift by Mr. Greg Luce and his sister, Margaret Luce Brown (Mrs. Milton Brown), to honor their grandfather, Dr. Wilson, who was a renowned surgeon in the Mobile region in the first half of the 20th century. The fund will recognize on an annual basis an outstanding resident who specializes in general surgery at the University of South Alabama. Mr. Luce has served as a member of the Foundation Board since 2007 and serves as Chair of the Investment and Audit Committee.
- 2024: Announced that John and Kathryn McMillan had established, in honor of their son, the William Fleming McMillan Scholarship and that the Foundation was named the remainder beneficiary of a special needs trust for the benefit of William Fleming McMillan. McMillan serves as President of the Foundation.
- 2024: The Foundation Board approved the pre-payment of the fiscal year 2027 contribution to the Whiddon College of Medicine bringing total contributions of $28,230,200, as of September 2024.
- 2024: Contributions for the fiscal year through June 30, 2024, were $16,552,872.
- 2023: Contribution to new nursing graduate program by Sylvestre Graduate Student Support Fund.
- 2023: An appointment for the Lawrence Minto Sylvestre Endowed Chair in Computing was made, and the position filled by Dr. Jordan Shropshire.
- 2023: Groundbreaking for the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine for which the Foundation has committed $30 Million.
- 2023: Contribution of 63± acres on Dauphin Island valued at $1,920,000 to support research and a living classroom for the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences.
- 2023: Contributions for the fiscal year through June 1, 2023, were $13,216,100.
- 2022: Total contributions for the fiscal year 2022, were $32,671,350.
- March 2022: Establishment of the Felicia Ridlon McAllister Scholarship in Nursing, given by Normond B. McAllister, Jr. (Please see Resolution – Felicia Ridlon McAllister Scholarship in Nursing.)
- In October, 2021, the Foundation approved a contribution of $30 Million to the University to facilitate the construction of a state-of-the-art center for medical education and scientific research. On or before December 9, 2021, the Foundation provided $10,151,000 in cash toward that commitment, as well as the remainder of the Brookley property valued at $11 Million. The balance of the gift commitment of $8.849 Million will be given in the fiscal years 2023 through 2027. To date (June, 2023), $22,920,800 has been provided of the $30 Million commitment.
- 2020: Assets of Foundation reached more than $400,000,000.
- December 1, 2020: Announcement of the sale of the Brookley property to the City of Mobile for $42 Million.
- 2019: The Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Accounting, Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Music, Dr. Diane Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Chemistry, and Lawrence Minto Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Computing were fully funded at $1.5 Million each. Also provided was funding for the purchase of a Steinway piano in support of the Department of Music’s Steinway Initiative.
- 2019: The Foundation approved the legacy gift of Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre, which will endow 4 chairs: the Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre Chair of Accounting, the Sylvestre Chair of Music, the Dr. Diane Sylvestre Chair of Chemistry, and the Lawrence Minto Sylvestre Chair of Computing. Additional funding will be used to support Graduate Student Programs. (Please see Resolution: Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre’s Legacy Gift.)
- 2017: Foundation Board accepts gift from Board member, Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre, for the Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre Endowed Scholarship of Accounting and also accepts her legacy gifts, the Dr. Jeanne Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Accounting and the Sylvestre Endowed Chair of Music.
- 2016: Frank Greiner, M.D. Fund to provide an employee award is established by his family.
- 2013: Dr. Betty Brandon and Dr. Howard Mahan establish the Mahan-Brandon Fund for Gender and Women’s Studies.
- 2012: Foundation Board member, Mrs. Verla Ledlow Wilters, with The Honorable Robert Wilters and Dr. John Wilters, establish the Judge Harry J. Wilters, Jr., Annual Lecture in Constitutional Law and Ethics.
- 2011: Joe Bullard Sr. Fisheries Research Fund established to support fisheries research.
- 2011: Joseph W. Thomas Scholarship Fund established by Cora Compton Thomas to provide scholarships to students who were graduates of Spanish Fort High School.
- 2010: Foundation Board approves purchase of 330-acre Brookley property to assist the University in its expansion of USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital.
- 2009: John M. Compton Scholarship established by the Compton Family to provide scholarships for students majoring in the sciences or mathematics, who are first generation college enrollees.
- 2008: Foundation Board approves funding 22 USA Foundation Research Fellowships annually for new graduate programs and additional stipends to graduate students totaling more than $6.3 Million through December 31, 2021, for graduate education through those programs.
- 2007: The Daphne Driskell Calhoun Cancer Research Fund was established to support cancer research.
- 2005: Peter Weise Fund for Marine Sciences established to support Marine Sciences research programs.
- 2004: The Foundation Board accepts legacy gift from Mr. N. Jack Stallworth of funds to support an annual lectureship in Southern history, two History scholarships and gift of family home.
- 2004: $12 Million commitment to support the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute (MCI) – since then more than $22.3 Million has been provided to the MCI.
- 2002: Foundation Board establishes the Aubrey D. and Ellen F. Green Scholarship in Arts and Sciences.
- 2002: Foundation Board establishes the Frederick P. Whiddon Liberal Arts Scholarship program.
- 1999: Foundation Board approves scholarships for students in the Mitchell College of Business which has provided to date $1,150,000.
- 1998:
- Joan Sinnott endows a Chair in Comparative Psychology – the Joan M. Sinnott Chair in Comparative Psychology.
- The Foundation Board establishes the Clinical Support Fund for College of Medicine Faculty.
- The National Hellenic Society (Paideia) establishes an endowment for Hellenic studies.
- Foundation Board approves support of the Whiddon Honors/Scholars program – $16.375 Million has been provided to support that program.
- 1997: Assets of Foundation reached more than $300,000,000.
- 1997: Foundation Board approves purchase of more than 55,000 acres of timberland in Alabama and Mississippi bringing the total timber investment to more than 77,000 acres.
- 1997: Foundation Board accepts and establishes the Jack Laidlaw Fund for the performing arts in music and theater.
- 1995: Assets of Foundation reached more than $200,000,000.
- 1994:
- Foundation Board establishes the first of 10 Arts and Sciences Professorships.
- Foundation Board establishes the Faculty Development Fund to support faculty travel.
- Foundation Board establishes the Hospital Equipment Fund to assist the University Hospitals in acquiring state-of-the-art equipment.
- Foundation Board approves purchase of 10,000 acres in North Mobile County referred to as the Newman tract.
- 1993: Charlotte and Sam Eichold establish the Charlotte H. and Samuel Eichold Scholarships for medical students.
- 1992: Foundation purchases more than 4,600 acres of timberland in Lauderdale County, Mississippi.
- 1992: Assets of Foundation reach $100,000,000.
- 1991: The Colle Chairs for the College of Medicine were established to support faculty in cancer treatment.
- 1990: Abraham A. Mitchell provided core funding for a Chair that would become the Abraham A. Mitchell Chair of the Mitchell Cancer Center.
- 1988: Purchase of more than 4,500 acres of timberland from the Robert Locke Estate for a total amount of $4.2 Million, the beginning of the timberland investment.
- 1988: Louise Lenoir Locke Estate includes a gift of a partial interest in more than 900 acres of timberland and significant assets for the support of the USA College of Medicine. The Louise Locke Fund has provided support for that mission and endowment funding for 9 chairs in the College of Medicine.
- 1987: Abraham A. Mitchell provided core funding of a Chair that would become the Abraham A. Mitchell Chair, Department of Internal Medicine.
- 1983-84: Foundation successfully defended its rights to Grant’s Pass resulting in an oil and gas interest in submerged lands near Dauphin Island and an initial bonus of more than $5 Million.
- 1980: Ripps-Meisler Research Fund for Surgery was established by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meisler to support the surgical program.
- 1980: Rubin Chair in Surgery established by Arlene and Mayer Mitchell.
- March, 1968: The Foundation was established to support the new University of South Alabama with estimated assets of $100,000.